The Movies of SDCC 2012

Though some movie studios have decreased their presence at the con after big SDCC hits resulted in tiny box office bumps, Comic-Con remains one of the biggest places to show off upcoming movies, especially those of the sci-fi and fantasy variety. Below we have a list of 20 possible flicks for SDCC 2012, along with a percentage of the chance they’ll be in attendance and some information about each. Even though they’re only (researched and well-judged) guesses, it should be more than enough to get any movie buff excited for this year’s con.

1. Total Recall – 99% Chance of Attendance – Many attendees might not be too excited for it, but given the film’s sci-fi trappings and release date close to the con, expect a sizable presence for this remake. If it’s good, they might even screen it. If it’s bad (and it probably is) expect a big panel where they’ll show every decent part.

2. Expendables 2 – 95% – Again, many con-goers couldn’t care less, but the first one had a surprisingly successful panel a couple of years back and this one should do the same. But hey, at least they have an even bigger and better cast to bring this year.

3. Resident Evil Retribution – 95% – I promise, these will get better soon. The RE franchise visits the con with every installment and they’re greeted with tepid excitement by a small part of Hall H every time. Why would they stop now?

4. Dredd – 90% – This comic-book adaptation has been met with doubt all over the internet, with weird photos, rumors of editing-room problems, and release-date delays. Still, people are yet to see a single clip from the actual film and Lionsgate will likely go into SDCC gun blazing, trying to convince fans of the comic they have something special.

5. Looper – 99% – A heady but action packed sci-fi movie starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.   A perfect fit for SDCC. In addition, writer/director Rian Johnson has already all-but confirmed a panel and hinted at a screening during the con. Expect a large presence with all the stars in tow.

6. Frankenweenie – 85% – Many attendees seem strangely committed to Tim Burton and with this stop-motion film looking like his best work in years, it would make total sense for Disney to drum up the Burton fandom with something that actually deserves their interest.

7. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 – 85% – Only one more Twilight panel left. For some, this is fantastic news. For others, heart breaking. You know what side you’re on.

8. Cloud Atlas – 80% – The Wachowski siblings remain con loyalty, no matter how many missteps they take. Now with this high-concept sci-fi adaptation, they finally have the material to remind SDCC why the love for them exists.

9. The Hobbit – 95% – It’s been hinted at all over the internet, and now the only question seems to be how much of the large cast will be see in tow when Peter Jackson returns to SDCC. It’ll surely be one of the biggest panels of the convention and expect them to try their hardest to win over every single person in Hall H.

10. Django Unchained – 50% – Tarantino made it to the con with his Grindhouse double feature and though this re-imagined spaghetti western might not be the most obvious con fit, I’m sure many that will be in Hall H are dying to see it anyways.

11. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters – 65% – After having its release date pushed back almost a year, most people are pretty sure this movie’s going to suck. SDCC might be the best time to dispel those thoughts or confirm them entirely (either by avoiding the con or having a terrible panel).

12. Oz: The Great and Powerful – 75% – SDCC loves Sam Raimi and with this being his first real attempt at fantasy, SDCC is the perfect place to introduce it to the world.

13. GI Joe: Retaliation – 75% – After drumming up interest with surprisingly great trailers, GJ:R was just delayed from June until next year to convert it to 3D and possible re-shoot parts of it. SDCC might be the last chance Paramount has to convince the hardcore fans they should still care about the film.

14. Oblivion – 60% – Universal has kept this new sci-fi epic on the down-low outside of some amazing concept art and a big name cast (headlined by Tom Cruise). Expect a big panel at the con with footage and possibly the cast in tow. After all, director Joseph Kosinski knows how great SDCC can be after his positive experiences there with Tron Legacy.

15. Iron Man 3 – 75% – Yes, they’ve just started shooting, but that certainly didn’t stop the first two. Both of them had footage to show off with even less time between the con and their production dates. Expect one of the biggest panels at the con, with Marvel putting their movie promotion solely into this.

16. Star Trek 2 – 85% – They’ve been stuck in the editing bay for months and JJ Abrams is a notorious fan of the con. I’d expect not only the first footage, but also the whole cast in what will certainly be one of the bigger con events this year.

17. Man of Steel – 60% – Zack Snyder’s kept this one pretty close to the chest but as long as he has some effects-ready footage to show, expect him to make a pretty big event out of it.

18. Elysium – 80% – Neill Blomkamp had an amazing con experience a few years back with District 9, and it seems like the perfect place to show the first footage and information about his follow up.

19. Ender’s Game – 75% – One of the trademarks of sci-fi literature is finally getting the big budget adaptation it deserves, and with some SDCC alumni both in front of and behind the camera, I’d expect them to bring at least something to show Hall H.

20. Pacific Rim – 90% – Practically built for SDCC attendees, the new Guillermo del Toro sci-fi action epic still won’t be out until July 2013, but I’d be shocked if Toro didn’t have at least some early footage to blow the minds of everyone in Hall H.

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