Under The Tents: SDCC News for June 1, 2013 [Saturday Jam]

We’ve started a new, quasi-regular column on the Blog titled “Under The Tents”. The title is symbolic, as it’s representative of the times we all line up under the tents waiting for those big moments to happen inside Hall H or Ballroom 20.

Here’s the stuff you might have missed for today:

  • Spy Monkey Creation Inc. announced via Facebook it will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall and will be “sharing a corner booth space with another indie toy powerhouse”. Info to follow shortly.
  • Toy News International reported on Mezco’s 2013 SDCC exclusives, regular and variant editions of its Living Dead Dolls Resurrection Series 7. Yes, we are already having nightmares because of these.
Mezco Living Dead Dolls Resurrection Series 7 SDCC Exclusive, via TNI
  • FourHorsemen ToyDesign announced they will be sharing a booth at SDCC with Action Figure Xpress and will be “doing some panels for Mattel and possibly a few other panels as well”. They’re also going to try to have at least one Power Lords SDCC exclusive figure at SDCC this year [via Action Figure Insider]:

…we’re going to try our darndest to have at least one (hopefully more) SDCC 2013 exclusive Power Lords figures available for sale at the show and for pre-order through StoreHorsemen.com.

  • There will be a DelRey Star Wars sampler book to be given out at SDCC this year, via @DelReyStarWars:

  • Those who weren’t able to score tickets earlier this year, take note: The Hub is giving away a five-day, four-night trip trip to this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, including airfare, hotel, and $500 in spending cash. As if you didn’t need another reason to love The Hub…
  • RIPT Apparel has been killing it lately. If your Comic-Con wardrobe was missing that one t-shirt, they have you covered this weekend.

RIPT 5-31-13

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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