Under The Tents: SDCC News for June 24, 2013 [Early Edition]

We’ve started a new, quasi-regular column on the Blog titled “Under The Tents”. The title is symbolic, as it’s representative of the times we all line up under the tents waiting for those big moments to happen inside Hall H or Ballroom 20.

Here’s the stuff you might have missed for today:

  • Squid Kids Ink posted a new exclusive which every attendee will love: The SDCC-themed and sponsored gold 3.5″ 10-Doh [via Urban Vinyl Daily]:

This will be limited (number unknown) and will sell for $20 at the Squid Kids Ink booth, #5137.

  • Dragonball Z fans, take note: Bluefin Tamashii Nations has released a few pictures of its S.H. Figuarts Piccolo (Special Color Edition) SDCC exclusive, via its Facebook page.

Three different heads, interchangeable handsets, and a removable cape are included. Quantities are limited, and the figure will sell for $40 at the Bluefin Tamashii Nations booth, #3545.

  • We now know that FX series Archer will be returning to Comic Con for a panel, thanks to actress and comedian Aisha Tyler. Her official website lists the panel time at 5PM-6PM, though the room location is still TBA. Tyler’s site also lists a panel for Ubisoft’s upcoming game, Watch Dogs, to take place on Saturday at 6PM.


She also announced that she’ll be signing copies of her new book, “Self-Inflicted Wounds“, at SDCC on Saturday from 11AM-12:30PM at the Harper Collins booth.

  • In case you missed it on CCI’s Comic-Con 2013 Exclusives page, DC Entertainment announced on Friday its remaining exclusives for this year’s show: Four comic variant covers from Justice League, Superman and Batman, including this Batman ’66 #1 beauty:

Batman 66 SDCC Variant Mattel

These will be available at the DC Collectibles Boutique at the Graphitti Designs booth, #2315.

  • Collider staff reporter Christina Radish let us know in a conversation via Twitter NBC Universal’s Dracula was slated to be at Comic-Con this year, but sans most of its stars due to filming.


Too bad – “showing clips” sounds like a drastic change from showrunner Dan Knauf’s promise of a “huge bloody splash” earlier this year. It also brings in doubt the appearance of Jonathan Rhys-Meyers at Comic-Con this year for Dracula or City of Bones: The Mortal Instruments, due to the aforementioned filming schedule.

  • Interesting news out of the Kick-Ass 2 camp over the weekend, with Jim Carrey withdrawing his support for the upcoming comic adaptation because of the tragic gun violence which occurred late last year at Sandy Hook Elementary School.


Withdrawing his support would also include an anticipated panel appearance to promote the film at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Writer Mark Millar wrote a response to Carrey’s tweet, in which he calls the actor’s performance “magnificent” and that his turn as Colonel Stars and Stripes is “so charismatic and all his scenes are up there with Nic Cage’s amazing turn as Big Daddy in the original”.

If, like a lot of us, you come to Comic-Con because it features the greatest gathering of comic book publishers and the largest amount of comics-oriented programming of any convention in the country, then you owe it to yourself to go to the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards.

The Eisner Awards will be on Friday July 19 at 8PM in the Hilton Bayfront Indigo Ballroom. No extra ticket is required, your SDCC badge is used for admission.

  • The Venture Bros. co-creator Doc Hammer wrote on his Facebook page he will “be attending Comic Con in San Diego and will be doing our shitty best to look spry and rested for you. Venture fans deserve no less!” We’d call that a pretty good chance the show will have a panel at SDCC, no surprise. [thanks @SourHopHead]

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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