Parking Information for WonderCon Anaheim

There’s a lot of planning that goes into attending a convention – you need a ticket, a place to sleep, to plan your schedule, and you also need to know where to park your car so you don’t wind up walking five miles or paying $40 per day. Today, Comic-Con International revealed parking information for WonderCon Anaheim, just in time to give con-goers a chance to figure out travel information before this weekend’s convention.

There are several parking lots within close range of the Anaheim Convention Center, including a parking garage owned by the Hilton Anaheim hotel next door. According to CCI, all the Anaheim Convention Center lots have a current daily parking rate of $12, although there is no in/out privileges, meaning that once you’ve parked for the day, if you leave, you won’t be able to re-enter without getting a new ticket and paying again. Here’s an easy map to help attendees find the best lot for them:


The Convention Center accepts payment in the forms of cash, Visa, or MasterCard. Overnight parking is also not allowed, so attendees camping out or staying at hotels without parking options will need to find somewhere else to store their cars.

If all of the convention center lots are full, there is overflow parking available at the Disney Toy Story lot. [UPDATE] Comic-Con International’s website lists that lot as $12, although it’s normally $16 – so make sure to have your WonderCon badge ready for validation, according to Twitter user @redsonja1313:

Will you be attending WonderCon this weekend? Let us know in the comments.

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