WonderCon 2014: Cosplay Outside The Convention Center [Video]

20140418_131511Let’s set the scene:

It was the end of Day 1 at WonderCon Anaheim 2014. The Exhibit Hall had just closed, and scores of attendees poured out onto the walkway in front of the convention center. Normally a great place to catch a cosplayer posing for photos, twilight was especially so, with everyone congregating and celebrating the end of a great first day.

We grabbed our camera and walked the area to check out the scene. Whether you were there and want to reminisce, or you weren’t able to come to Anaheim and can only admire from afar, this video is for you.

Maybe you were in the video, or saw some of these great cosplayers while walking the show floor. Let us and our readers know in the comments.

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