Orphan Black Clone Club Is Back In Session at SDCC 2015

GeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 6 - Tatiana Maslany Orphan Black Nerd HQClone club is back in session at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. In addition to the fan event announced earlier today, Deadline is reporting that the clones are back for another panel this year – and that they may finally be getting a room upgrade.

Deadline is reporting that Tatiana Maslany and other cast members will be headed back for a panel on Friday, July 10, “in the late afternoon”, and that they “may be getting a bigger room”. For the past two years, they’ve been relegated to Room 7AB and Room 6A, which have proven to be much too small for the popularity of the show at the convention. Based on what we’ve seen of the schedule so far though, there’s not much room in Ballroom 20 in the “late afternoon”, so they may not be headed there.

We’ve also got our fingers crossed for another Nerd HQ appearance.

Are you excited about another Orphan Black panel? Let us know in the comments.

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