Progress Slowly Begins at Petco Interactive Zone – But Is That a Mr. Robot Ferris Wheel?!?! [UPDATE: Nope!]

[UPDATE #4] Still no word on what the ferris wheel is for, but we’ve confirmed it is not for Mr. Robot. Which, our Editor would be crying about, if there weren’t all kinds of awesome other Mr. Robot happenings around the con.

But, progress is finally being made elsewhere around Petco, with the Geico station, more work on the Ash vs. Evil Dead Cabin (hi, ugly tree!), and more.

[UPDATE #3] It’s a new day, and Shawn Marshall of Parks and Cons has taken another look at the Petco Interactive Zone. There’s a lot more happening this morning, with the ferris wheel looking mostly complete (although still without signage for who or what it’s for), and the Ash vs. Evil Dead cabin is looking more complete. There’s some progress being made elsewhere as well.

Still no home yet for our friend the ugly tree.

[UPDATE #2] As the sun sets Shawn Marshall of Parks and Cons has taken another swing by Petco and more progress has been made on both the Ash vs. Evil Dead cabin and the ferris wheel. Don’t worry about that teddy bear, Helms and Sons is the name of an entertainment company out of Colton, CA, so that logo will get covered. There’s still a chance it’s for Mr. Robot!

[UPDATE] We now know that it’s a ferris wheel (and we know a lot else else about every other activation, which you can read about over here), but still no word yet on if it’s Mr. Robot. We’ll know soon enough.

Progress is very slowly being made, though, as the ferris wheel goes up, and the Ash vs. Evil Dead Cabin starts being put together. Soon, that ugly tree will have a home!

[PREVIOUS] Look, if you’ve been following along with our Twitter or podcasts at all this year, you probably know that the one thing I really want is the Mr. Robot activation that happened at SXSW. And what activation was that, you might be asking?

Well, fsociety made big splashes this year at SXSW by transforming downtown Austin into Coney Island, complete with a ferris wheel and a replica of the arcade that serves as fsociety’s headquarters in the series (with actual working games to play), and a giant Mr. Robot branded ferris wheel. They also offered fsociety screen-printed t-shirts, and a chance to insert yourself into the action with a photo booth.

While we haven’t yet gotten word on what will be at the Petco Interactive Zone, give or take a Ash vs. Evil Dead cabin and a Hello Kitty Cafe Food Truck, we may have a potential update. Shawn Marshall of Parks and Cons snagged these photos of some ride being put up. Is it a ferris wheel? We’ll have to wait and see.

What else is going on at Petco Interactive Zone? Well, not a whole lot – so it’s going to be a busy two days for them.


But hey, here’s an Ash vs. Evil Dead tree:


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