Under the Tents: Stephen Amell, SDCC Scavenger Hunt, Star Trek, iZombie, Ninjabot, Alex Pardee, Amtrak

Guess what?? We are only three days away from the start of the SDCC panel schedule release. Starting Thursday, CCI will release the schedule for each day (Preview Night is combined with Thursday’s announcement) and we’ll be doing two SDConcast panel schedule shows, on Friday (to discuss Wed-Fri schedule) and Sunday (to discuss Sat-Sun schedule). In the mean time, don’t miss out on news about Stephen Amell singing at a particular offsite, DKE Toys bringing some interesting merchandise, and who exactly will be in San Diego from iZombie.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Comic book artist Sean Forney gave Twitter a look at a sketch being worked on for SDCC. Who doesn’t appreciate a good Venom sketch??

  • Are you a fan of Mark Brooks’ art? If so, he was recently soliciting feedback on Facebook about possibly bringing some prints to SDCC. Let him know that you want some of prints from his “raw series” at SDCC.


  • The Ninjabot announced in their recent newsletter that their Pop Cats book will be available for retail for the first time at SDCC. Make sure to swing by The Ninjabot table to score a free Star Wars button every day of the con, here is the schedule!


  • La-La Land Records will be featuring a few signings and merchandise premieres at booth #4536 during SDCC. A recent tweet shows what the booth will be offering.


  • Stephen Amell was doing a panel at Heroes&Villain FanFest recently and the official Twitter account of the con tweeted out an interesting quote. According to the tweet, the Arrow star said he will be returning to Nerd HQ to do a panel and just might be doing a little singing. This is also confirms he will be at SDCC for Arrow.

  • Taking an Amtrak train between Los Angeles and San Diego for SDCC? Amtrak is adding a few more round trips between the cities just for SDCC between July 21-July 24. For the complete details, head to the Amtrak site.

  • The Hollywood Science Fiction Museum will be at SDCC for a 4th year in a row according to their recent newsletter! They will be debuting three screen used Star Trek: The Next Generation props at their booth which will be found at #4036.
  • Bill Walko recently showed off a piece of art he will be selling at SDCC. The Tumblr post features his work with two of the X-Men: Gambit and Rogue.
  • The Beast is Back and Genuine Haha have teamed up to do a button giveaway during SDCC. To collect all the buttons, you’ll need to visit booth #1535 and Small Press Table L-05 each day to complete the Versus Series set. Here’s the schedule:
    • Thursday: Alien vs Predator (science fiction theme)
    • Friday: Iron Man vs Captain America (super hero theme)
    • Saturday: Terminator T-800 vs Robocop (robot theme)
    • Sunday: Jason Voorhees vs Freddy Krueger (horror theme)


  • James Silvani can be found at table F-07 during SDCC and why do you need to know that? Because, you’ll want to check out this awesome head shots of his that he recently posted on Instagram.


  • Independent comic creator Denny Riccelli will be at SDCC and recently posted about it on Instagram. He’ll be offering some of his hand made comics such as Cousin Harold and even some resin figures at his table.


  • Are you a fan of Rory’s Story Cubes? Creator Rory O’ Connor recently mentioned in a tweet that he will have some of his new Scooby Doo Story Cubes available as a pre-release at SDCC ahead of its September release date.


  • Roberto Maki recently showed off a few bookmarks that he looks to be handing out during SDCC. Who couldn’t use a cute AND free bookmark?


  • DKE Toys always has some very interesting toys available at the booth and this year is no exception. Jonathan Stephens posted a work in progress shot of a Bernie Sanders figure they will be offering at SDCC this year.


  • Speaking of DKE, this Rivet SDCC exclusive Mini Critter by Horrible Adorables will be available at their booth according to a recent tweet from from RivetGallery.

  • StarTrek.com has given us a look at the SDCC Event Guide as Spock art by Ty Mattson graces the cover. The art will also be found on the volunteer shirts this year. Star Trek continues to be found at all corners of the con for its 50th anniversary.



Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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