Planet Awesome Collectibles San Diego Comic-Con 2019 Exclusives, Signings, More

You can find Planet Awesome Collectibles on the show floor at San Diego Comic-Con at Booth #817, where they’ll have exclusives, signings, and more — from amazing artists like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman, Lee Bermejo, Bosslogic (!), Tony S. Daniel, and Sajad Shah.

At the booth, you’ll find pre-done commissions for Eastman, which will be first come/first-served; a wide variety of art prints from Bosslogic; art prints, original art, and limited commission spots for Tony S. Daniel; and variants, art prints, and commission spots for Sajad Shah.

For the daily signings, only Eastman’s will be ticketed — and 25 tickets will be given away for free each day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for the Friday 4PM signing. Here’s a look at the signing schedule:

Wednesday, July 17:

Bosslogic: 6:00pm-8:00pm

Thursday, July 18:

Bosslogic: 10:00 am-1:00 pm, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Tony S. Daniel: All day (Please check booth for specific times)
Sajad Shah: All day

Friday, July 19:

Bosslogic: 10:00 am-1:00 pm, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Tony S. Daniel: All day (Please check booth for specific times)
Sajad Shah: All day
Kevin Eastman: 4:00 pm-6:00 pm (ticketed event)*

Saturday, July 20:

Bosslogic: 10:00 am-1:00 pm, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Tony S. Daniel: All day (Please check booth for specific times)
Sajad Shah: All day
Lee Bermejo: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm

Sunday, July 21:

Bosslogic: 10:00 am-12:00 pm, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sajad Shah: All day


Here’s a look at this year’s exclusives:

White Widow #1 Bosslogic Trade Dress Variant – $25
Limited to 300

White Widow #1 Bosslogic Virgin Variant – $35
Limited to 100

Psi-Lords #1 Bosslogic Variant – $15
Limited to 500

Batman and Maxx High Quality Art Print 12×18 by Bosslogic – $100
Limited to 50
Signed by Sam Kieth & Bosslogic

Joker and Isz High Quality Art Print 12×18 by Bosslogic – $100
Limited to 50
Signed by Sam Kieth & Bosslogic

Eule’s Vision #1 Color Variant – $25
Limited to 50

Eule’s Vision #1 Chrome Variant – $75
Limited to 10

Eule’s Vision #1 Virgin Metal Variant – $75
Limited to 10

Tony S Daniel Original Art Mystery Bag – $100
Limited to 100
Each bag includes original art from Deathstroke, Superman Wonder Woman, Damage, Suicide Squad, or Justice League. There will also be a Grand Prize, which includes three covers (Convergence, Suicide Squad vs Justice League, and Damage), a Batman splash page, many Batman pages, and four 9×12 detailed headshots)

Shredder Limited Edition Art Print by Kevin Eastman – $20
Limited to 100

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