JAKKS Pacific and Disguise Inc. Returning to WonderCon 2024 with Giveaways, More

JAKKS Pacific and Disguise Inc. are returning to WonderCon this year with a panel, giveaways, teases, and more.

The toy and costume manufacturers will be hosting “JAKKS Pacific and Disguise Costumes Upcoming Releases” on Friday, March 29 at 5pm in Room 213CD. The panel will be focused on Disguise’s costumes from popular brands coming to retail this year, along with JAKKS Pacific’s preview of collectibles and figures from Nintendo, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bendy, and more, releasing in the coming months.

Members of the development teams will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the process of creating toys, collectibles, and costumes for your favorite brands. As an added bonus, they will also be giving away a Sonic the Hedgehog 2.5″ articulated figure to every attendee, from their Wave 15 of figures. You could spin dash away with Classic Knuckles, Classic Metal Sonic, Classic Mecha Sonic, Classic Crabmeat, and Classic Super Sonic.

So speed(walk) over to Room 213CD on Friday afternoon for some supersonic fun.

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