Kevin Workman Foundation – The Warp Core Cafe
The Kevin Workman Foundation returns to San Diego Comic-Con with an event on Saturday, July 20 at 8PM at The Kava Lounge, about 10 minutes drive from the Gaslamp. This year they’re teaming up with the Buddha Music Group for a night of live music (including a live set by Kiyoshi Music, DTO, and Krista Richards), and fun.
Two levels of tickets are available for this event, the $50 “Multipass” ticket which includes a free Peter Santa-Maria print, a discount to next year’s Con party, and special discount at a secret to-be-announced Halloween party in San Diego later this year. The $20 ticket is general admission for the event with a cash bar.
You can also participate in their silent auction, which includes original artwork.
Tickets are available now.