BBC Announces Doctor Who Comics Panel, Signings [UPDATE – More Variants, Offsite Signing]

[UPDATE] We’ve got one more Doctor Who comic event for you. There will be a signing at Comickaze Comic Store on Saturday July 26 from 7-9pm. Writer Nick Abadzis, artist Elena Casagrande, cover artist Alice X. Zhang and Doctor Who comics editor Andrew James will all be on hand at the event, and the store will have its own variant covers of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor #1 issues. Here’s a look at that Comickaze store variant:

Comickaze store variant

The original post below…

There might not be a Doctor Who television panel this year, but at least we’ll see the Doctors in comic form at SDCC.

Today BBC announced a comics panel slated for Saturday July 26 3-4pm in Room 23ABC. Guests of the panel, which will include writer Nick Abadzis, artist Elena Casagrande, cover artist Alice X. Zhang and Doctor Who comics editor, Andrew James; will talk about the upcoming Tenth and Eleventh Doctor storylines, show off never-before-seen artwork, and a sneak peek at the Twelfth Doctor ongoing series.

Better yet, everyone in attendance at the panel will receive a Doctor Who Comics Day pack and a chance to win some exclusive SDCC Doctor Who merchandise.

In addition, BBC announced signings with the comics’ writers and artists for Friday July 25 and Saturday July 26. All signings will be held at the Titan booth, #5537. Times for the signings were not announced.

Lastly, three sets of variant Doctor Who comics covers were announced. In addition to the Diamond (Booth #2401) variants we saw earlier, the Titan and BBC Shop (#4129) booths will have its own set of variant covers. You can see all three in the gallery below:

Read all the details over at the post on the official Doctor Who site.

Excited for getting some Doctor Who at Comic-Con this year? Let us know in the comments.

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