2015 SDCC Hotel Keycards to Feature WB’s Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Supergirl, and Teen Titans Go!

Warner Bros. is once again offering exclusive key cards at nearly 30 participating hotels during Comic-Con 2015. This year they are breaking out the WBTV DC Heroes and making nearly 40,000 room keys available in 9 different designs. Key cards will feature The Flash, Arrow, Gotham, Supergirl, and the five different characters from Teen Titans Go!

In addition to letting you into your room, the Teen Titans Go! cards will also have a QR code that will enable you to access and watch a free episode of the series.

You can see all the key cards below with the exception of the Supergirl card, which will be revealed soon.

Which key card do you hope to get? Let us know in the comments

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