WonderPost: Hyperactive Monkey, Funko Giant BB-8, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Just think: One week from now, WonderCon 2016 will finally be here. But we’ve still got a few days to go, so let’s cram in as much news as we can! Today we’ve got an exclusive from Hyperactive Monkey, our first view of the giant BB-8 that will be at Funko’s booth at both WonderCon and San Diego Comic-Con, an offsite and autograph signing for Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, giveaways, and much more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Actress Lesley Ann Brandt, best known for her work in Lucifer and Spartacus, revealed on Instagram that she’ll be signing autographs from 12PM-3PM on Saturday, March 26.


  • Toronto-based illustrator Deena Pagliarello showed off some Disney and Mad Max prints she’ll have at WonderCon.

  • Need to check your bag at WonderCon? Good news. According to CCI, there will be a bag check onsite in West Hall A, with a price tag of $2 per item.

  • Calling all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans – good news, because Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies are bringing you some turtle power. Attendees can stop by Booth #1637 to meet the costumed characters Bebop and Rocksteady making their debut, as well as Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo. You can also stop by on Saturday, March 26, for an autograph signing with the voice actors from the Nickelodeon cartoon series (Rob Paulsen, Greg Cipes, Kevin Michael Richardson) from 1PM-2:30PM. Then that night, there will be a fan event from 7:30PM-9:30PM at Tom’s Urban. You’ll need to pick up an event bracelet from the booth at the booth on Friday or Saturday. At the event, fans will view toys from the 80’s to today, check out a collection of original art, munch on light refreshments, and demo the new updates to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Power Portal App.


  • It’s all fun and games until… well, it’s really just all fun and games, as the WonderCon 2016 Games schedule has been released. Attendees can stop by the South Hall in the Los Angeles Convention Center in the daytime, or the JW Marriott Diamond Ballroom Salons 4 & 5 at 7PM-12AM, to play everything from Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi, Oh!, and more. Find complete details on CCI’s site.
  • Artist Ruben Rosas showed off his WonderCon exclusive print, which you can pre-order or pick-up at Booth #639.

  • Action Figure Insider has the details on Cryptozoic Entertainment’s WonderCon appearance, which includes game demos for Adventure Time: Card Wars, Ghostbusters: The Board Game, and more. Find the complete schedule on AFI.


  • Jerome Lu of Hyperactive Monkey unveiled this year’s WonderCon exclusive, the Al “Kabong” Leong figure. Each piece will also include a signed print, and attendees can also stop by on Saturday, March 26 to meet actor Al Leong in person.


  • Action movie buffs, Pop Sticker Co., will be at this year’s WonderCon promoting their new shirt line Hard R, and they’ll be giving away some free stickers to help celebrate the occasion! Act quick, because there’ll be limited quantites! Chuckie (pictured below), who will most likely be wearing a Graf Orlock shirt, will be the person to track down. Once you track him down, tell him your favorite quote from T2 or Aliens, and voilà, free sticker! You can also follow along on Twitter.

wondercon giveaway


And here’s a look at BB-8:

  • Artist Stark Graving Mad revealed one of her Creepy Girl prints that will be at the convention, Darla Devil. You can pick one up at Table I-35.


  • Jared Hickman will have copies of his sketchbook available at Artist Alley Table F-08, he announced on tumblr.


  • Creatures of Lee’s Menagerie showed off some jewel tone California Jackalopes that will be headed to WonderCon. They’re both adorable and a little creepy, and we want one.


  • Our friends at The Ninjabot recently unveiled some new prints, and at least one of those – a luchador inspired by Harley Quinn – will be available at WonderCon.


Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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