2016 Guide to SDCC LEGO Giveaways and Exclusives

With eye-popping displays and ultra elusive exclusives, the Lego booth is well known as one of the must see spots at San Diego Comic-Con each year. That said, with limits of product in the low hundreds, it’s also one of the biggest heartbreakers on the floor. History is filled with tales of being one of the first people on the exhibit hall floor, only to find the booth to be a messy thrall of attendees hearing LEGO employees bark out that the line is already capped.

This frenzied scene seems changed a bit last year as LEGO employed new procedures for exclusives. They’re still ultra-rare, but might we have a shot? Take a look here for information on the exclusive procedures at Lego, as well as some talk about how giveaways work at the booth:

Will you be fighting for a brick trophy of your own at SDCC? Let us know in the comments below:

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