Under the Tents: Heroes Brew Fest, Terry Moore, The Expanse, Michael Varrati, Amy Mebberson

It’s coming. No, not winter (San Diego doesn’t have a winter), but Open Registration. Are you ready for Saturday? Is your buying group all on the same page? It seems that with Open Registration rapidly approaching, a lot of San Diego Comic-Con regulars decided to make announcements this week. While you’ve been anxiously counting the hours, minutes, and seconds until Saturday, we’ve gathered some of those announcements.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • This year is Symbiote Studios’ 10th anniversary. To celebrate, they announced that they will be giving away “a ton of exclusive plushies” at SDCC this year. Stay tuned for more details.

  • Cartoon Books/Boneville has San Diego Comic-Con at the top of their calendar.

  • Novelist/Screenwriter/Comics writer Paul Cornell announced on his Appearances page that he will be attending SDCC this year. Panels and events are still TBD.

  • Prolific writer Richard Dinnick announced via his website that he will be at SDCC this year with the Titan team to sign and promote his run on the 12th Doctor comic books. He may have some other announcements coming at or leading up to SDCC as well, so we’ll have to stay tuned.

  • Artist Terry Moore is bringing his Abstract Studio Comics to SDCC this year, according to his Upcoming Appearances sidebar. You can easily find this “nerdy studmuffin” (his description, not ours) under his new convention banner, shown here.

Exhibit A Press at WonderCon 2017

  • Heroes Brew Fest answered one of their fans who asked when tickets will go on sale in a very CCI-esque manner. The answer: Soon. Stay tuned for exact dates.


  • The Expanse actor Cas Anvar tweeted something cryptic, about “Hornets nest” or “#ComicCon”. Nothing confirmed, but seems likely for a San Diego Comic-Con appearance.

Don’t forget to check out our Open Registration Visual Guide so you’re ready for Saturday. Good luck, and we hope we’ll see you in San Diego this year.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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