In case you haven’t noticed, San Diego Comic-Con news season is now in full swing. Which means that we’ve got a brand new Under the Tents segment for you, full of news on vinyl exclusives, how to get your hands on Funko exclusives, and much more.
Here’s a look at what you might have missed:
- Artist Juan Muniz will be exhibiting at Booth #5139 this year, where he will have a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive “Smile” vinyl toy (which glows in the dark!). The figure is extremely limited, with only 150 pieces, and will retail for $45, with a limit of two per person. Muniz will be doing signings from Friday, July 21 1PM-2PM and Saturday, July 22 2PM-3PM. The first 50 people in line will receive a free exclusive signed and numbered print with the purchase of the “Smile” toy — though Muniz will also have new prints, stickers, skateboards, bandanas, and pins available at his booth.
- Funko began unveiling their San Diego Comic-Con exclusives this week, which has led to more than a few questions about how attendees will be able to get their hands on them at the convention. On Twitter, Funko revealed that CCI doesn’t “have that available” to Funko, and that this year’s system will resemble last year’s — which involved an online lottery for Preview Night, and a Sails ticket draw for Thursday-Sunday. Will CCI let vendors use a completely-online-lottery system for their exclusives next year? We think the Magic 8 Ball of Comic-Con says “Not likely”, but Funko seems cautiously optimistic.
They don't have that available to us yet. Hopefully next year.
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) June 5, 2017
- Local San Diego artist George Davis will have his Tiki Tribe Customs at SDCC this year. Look for them in Small Press at Booth #L-14. You can buy these little Munnys for $100-$150 for the 4″ variety or $200-$300 for the 7″ variety, depending on the level of detail.
- Kymera Press has will have another plushie available at SDCC for their Pet Noir #3 issue. Meet Leila.
Meet Leila – appearing in issue 3 of Pet Noir and soon to be available as a plushie! #SDCC2017 #comingsoon #catsinspace #makingcomics
— Kymera Press (@KymeraPress) June 4, 2017
- Speaking of Kymera Press, not only will they debut Pet Noir #3 at SDCC this year; they will also debut Pet Noir #4.
#PetNoir #4 is also being released at #SDCC2017 . Cover art by Katrina Kunstmann.
— Kymera Press (@KymeraPress) June 5, 2017
- Lucasfilm publicist Tracy Cannobbio revealed that Star Wars Rebels won’t be at San Diego Comic-Con this year — but they are looking at another con in the fall. This shouldn’t be totally shocking, as the last time Star Wars Rebels attended San Diego was in 2014, but it’s still disappointing.
Hi! SWR will not be at SDCC. We are looking at another con in the fall, but not yet confirmed. ; )
— Tracy Cannobbio (@Tcann13) May 31, 2017
- KRS Comics revealed the first of their SDCC 2017 Exclusives: a 2018 The Walking Dead calendar. This calendar will include images from the comic as drawn by Charlie Adlard as well as an exclusive comic reprint of The Walking Dead #1.
- Indie artists Daniel and Dawn Davis are bringing their Steam Crow art back to SDCC for their 11th year. Find them on the Exhibit Room floor at Booth #4013 next to Nickelodeon.
- The filmmakers behind The Ark are pleased to report that their film has made in into CCI’s Independent Film Festival. It will screen on July 21 at 10:15PM.
- The Ark will have some steep competition in the form of High School Junkies’ film, Eidetic, which was also accepted into CCI’s Independent Film Festival. They’ll also have a Q&A panel following their screening.
- Disney artist James Silvani might be running out of slots on his commission list, but he’s certainly not running out of headshots. He recently posted a few more he’ll have with him at SDCC this year.
- Artist Tom Hodges announced that his pre-done sketch list for SDCC is now open. Email him now at [email protected] to be added to his list. Hodges requires a 50% deposit when ordering, with the remaining balance due at pick-up. His list closes on Monday, July 10.
- Stitchers executive producer Jeffrey A. Schechter says he hopes to be at SDCC this year, but nothing definite has been announced yet. Still, last year he gave a flat out “no” when asked if they planned on attending… so things are looking a little more likely in 2017.
We hope so!
— Jeffrey A. Schechter (@JeffASchechter) June 4, 2017
- Artist Pia Thrasher showed us her latest piece that will be included in the SDCC Art Show this year. She’s dedicating 10% of proceeds from her sales to support mental health awareness.
- Scott Hattox showed us some more progress on his Imperial Walker acrylic-on-canvas piece he’ll have at SDCC this year. Look for the finished product at Booth #1829.
- Artist Mike Vasquez is gearing up for SDCC this year by opening his pre-order sketch list. These sketches can be pre-ordered now and picked up at SDCC. Email him at [email protected] or shoot him a DM on his Instagram to order.
- KRS Comics is very excited to have Jay Anacleto as one of four creators at their SDCC this year. You can find them at Booth #5559.
1st of 4 creators that will be at our #SDCC2017 booth #5559 throughout the week! The amazing Jay Anacleto!
— KRSCOMICS (@krscomics) June 5, 2017
- Icon Heroes tweeted a tease of their first SDCC 2017 exclusive. The full reveal will come on Tuesday, June 6, but we don’t think it’s going to take a super sleuth to figure out who it is.
Our first San Diego Comic Con exclusive reveal comes Tuesday but here's a peek #SDCC2017 #SDCC #SanDiegoComicCon #Exclusive #comiccon2017
— Icon Heroes (@iconheroes) June 5, 2017
- If you’re looking for Nick Dragotta at SDCC 2017, you can catch him at the Image Comics booth.
Yeah, I'll be at SDCC. Catch me at the Image booth.
— Dragotta (@NickDragotta) June 5, 2017
- Comic book writer/artist Steve Bryant also opened his SDCC 2017 commission list and tweeted his full menu and price list. Email him at [email protected] if you’d like to order a commission.
My SDCC @Comic_Con commission preorder list is open! Email SteveBryantArt at gmail to order. More info/examples
— Steve Bryant writes and draws comics (@SteveBryantArt) June 5, 2017
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.