Under the Tents: Doug Jones, Monkey Minion Press, Magic Wheelchair, Justin Harder

Happy New Year, con-goers! We can now officially say that San Diego Comic-Con 2020 is this year. If you’re wondering if it’s too early to start those spreadsheets, I ask, is it ever? Let’s start 2020 off right with some SDCC news from Monkey Minion Press, Doug Jones, Magic Wheelchair, and a lot more.

Here’s a look at what you might have missed:

  • If you’re looking for me to be Justin Harder’s SDCC booth babe this year, you’ll be as disappointed as I was to learn he’s taking a break from cons this year.

  • Now that the bad news is out of the way, we’re happy to see that Inki-Drop has SDCC 2020 confirmed on their con schedule. Find them at Booth #1703 (for those spreadsheets you’ve started).

  • John Ottinger is bringing a new series of Dweores prints to SDCC this year. He posted the first one to Facebook and hopes you like it.




  • Artist Mark Brooks let the Twitterverse know he’s holding a few Tool posters to bring to SDCC with him.

  • If you were wondering if BossLogic will be at Comic-Con this year, wonder no more. It looks like he’ll be hanging with Planet Awesome at a few cons this year, including SDCC.

  • Artist/illustrator Eamon O’Donoghue teased on Twitter that he’s bringing a “super cool project” (and a renewed appreciation for the works of Gary Newman) with him to SDCC this year.

  • If you’re looking for author Tara Bennett to sign any of her work for you, there’s a good possibility she’ll be at San Diego Comic-con this year.

  • The amazing people at Magic Wheelchair have been putting smiles on con-goers’ faces for several years. This year, CCI is providing them with a featured booth space in the Exhibit Hall where they can display their brilliant creations.

  • Freelance illustrator Cliff Cramp let his Instagram followers know he’ll have a booth at SDCC this year with some pretty awesome neighbors: Lucasfilm artist Jerry Vanderstelt and fellow freelancer Brian Rood.


  • Monkey Minion Press shared their 2020 con schedule with their Instagram followers, and it looks like they’ll be back in San Diego once again for Comic-Con this year.


  • Actor Doug Jones took to Twitter to post his 2020 con schedule, where he lists SDCC 2020 as “pending.” We suspect this means he’ll be there as part of the Star Trek: Discovery cast, but when it comes to Comic-Con, anything can happen.


Anything you’re particularly excited about? Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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