Under The Tents: Adam Hughes, Limited Run Games, Brianna Cherry, Terry Moore

Happy March Ublog friends! We are now just four short months away from San Diego Comic-Con and while much of the recent focus has been on April’s WonderCon in Anaheim, there are still tidbits of news popping up regarding who and what you can expect to see in July. We have a handful of attendance confirmations for you, some yarn art destined for the Art Show, a spooky event you can RSVP to, and more.

Let’s take a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Artist and illustrator Brianna Cherry Garcia already has nine conventions on her schedule for 2020, and San Diego Comic-Con is among them. We’re so happy that Garcia is returning to San Diego this year, and if you haven’t ever seen her commissions or her fun Marvel and Disney art, you should definitely check out her work.

  • Comic book writer Rich Douek, whose works include TMNT, Gunner Magic, and Road of Bones, recently told a fan that he will be attending San Diego Comic-Con.

  • Last month writer Peter Clines updated his FAQ and it included that you’ll be able to see him this summer at SDCC.

  • As we previously mentioned in a recent WonderPost, artist James Silvani is taking some time off from conventions to better prepare for San Diego Comic-Con. We’ll be happy to see him and hope is well deserved break means he’ll have some amazing art for us to buy.

  • While details are scarce right now, the EctoXo group is planning a takeover at the “Most Haunted Home in America,” the Whaley House, on Saturday, July 25. Be sure to follow their Facebook event for more details.

  • Artist Devon Devereaux’s convention schedule shows that he’ll be up and down the whole west coast this year, but July in San Diego is confirmed.

  • Writer and artist from the great state of Minnesota, Erik Burnham, will be at San Diego Comic-Con in July. You can thank him in person for his amazing work on nostalgia comics, including Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and T.M.N.T.
  • Purveyors of limited edition, high quality video games and video game merchandise and soundtracks, Limited Run, have added San Diego Comic-Con to their list of events in 2020. We’ve got some folks on the UBlog team who are very excited about this announcement (looking at you, Robert!) and can’t wait to see what they have in store.

  • Crochet artist Jennifer Nolan has finished one of her pieces for the San Diego Comic-Con Art Show and it is MAGICAL! Behold, the green dragon!

  • And lastly today, another appearance schedule has been updated, that of artist Adam Hughes. He’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con in July, likely with a jam packed agenda like last year and hopefully with some of his beautiful prints. We’ll keep our eagle eyes open and let you know the details as he announces them.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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