Professional Registration for San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Now Open

Now that we have the date for Open Registration (it’s November 5, for the uninformed!), the next question has been, ““When will Professional Registration open?”

And the answer is… now.

All Not Due professionals can register online now through June 23, 2023. Professionals with a “Not Due” status are guaranteed a badge, and many have guest badges, though each professional’s guest allotment varies.

To register, simply follow the directions on Comic-Con’s site.

For those who are still “Due” or who applied for the first time, Comic-Con International also sent out e-mails alerting applicants that it can take up to eight weeks from submission date to receive an answer. If concerned, you can always purchase a badge in Open Registration, and get it refunded after — though they do not clarify if they will be keeping the normal 10% restocking fee.


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