Updates on Scott Pilgrim, Game of Thrones, Syfy, Undercovers, and The SDCC Magazine

Five SDCC updates for June 23rd 2010:

– Michael Cera and Edgar Wright confirmed in this interview that they will both be attending the Scott Pilgrim panel at the con. They have great chemistry in the interview and should be a lot of fun on the panel.

– Upcoming HBO miniseries Game of Thrones will not be attending SDCC. Though it is based on a series of books that many attendees probably love, the show will be filming in Ireland through July. (Source)

– Syfy has prepared a big presence at the convention and will be bringing Caprica, Sanctuary, and Warehouse 13 in addition to the previously announced Eureka and SGU.

– NBC will not be bringing their new show Undercovers to Comic-Con. Though I predicted they would based on its talent and subject matter, it seems NBC is cautious to show a program based more on the romantic spectrum then fan-favorite Chuck. (Source)

– Finally, the convention has put online the summer issue of their official magazine. Take a quick look below or go here for the full-size copy.

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