Captain America Screening Info at Comic-Con 2011

UPDATE 2 7/18/11: Tickets are now available for purchase on Fandango. Go get ’em!

UPDATE 1 7/18/11: Seat42f has posted details on the Captain America screenings throughout the day. Starting at noon on Thursday, July 21 you’ll be able to purchase a ticket to screenings throughout the day, with prizes, giveaways and other promotions for attendees to the early screenings for fans in the San Diego area:

In addition to being among the first to see the movie, all CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER ticketholders will receive RealD® 3D Collector’s Custom red, white and blue Captain America: The First Avenger glasses and a limited edition poster designed exclusively for the fans. A grand prize package of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER merchandise and other Marvel items will be given away to a select audience member at each screening. USO-costumed women will be standing at the American Flag Pole in the Horton Plaza passing out free tickets every hour beginning at 11:00 A.M. to the first 10 people who come dressed as Captain America.

The screenings will be held at the Horton Plaza and tickets will be available for purchase on Fandango, but as of this update the showtimes were not yet available for purchase.

UPDATE 7/15/11: LatinoReview gave away passes to the 10am red carpet screening via GoFobo yesterday (yes, we missed this too), and they might have given away the super secret location of the early screenings throughout the day. The star-studded premiere will be held at the Horton Plaza Theater in San Diego. We don’t know yet if this is going to be the same theater throughout the day, but we’ll let everyone know when we hear.

Today, new details emerged from San Diego 6’s @SD6ComicCon Twitter account.

FIrst, @SD6ComicCon confirmed that Captain America would be screened for attendees at Comic-Con this year.!/SD6ComicCon/status/91202890668060672

That’s right, Captain America would be opening on Thursday for the public, which means you will not need a SDCC pass to attend. What it does mean, however, is it’s like any other early theatrical release, where you must purchase a ticket for the showing. Still, for folks tied up with panels and activities all weekend, this is a nice gesture for fans. We don’t yet know the times or the location of the early screenings, but once we do we’ll update everyone.

We also know, to confirm Nerd Reactor’s report from a couple of weeks ago, there will be a special red carpet screening which will not be open to the general public. From Nerd Reactor’s scoop:

That’s right, Chris Evans and Hugo Weaving will be at San Diego Comic-Con 2011 for one day. The movie screening location is still unknown, but word on the street is that it will all happen on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 10am. We’re not sure how fans will get a chance to attend, but it’s likely they might throw some sort of raffle to lucky Comic-Con goers.

This information is consistent with the tweets we saw over the past two days, also from @SD6ComicCon, which is throwing a contest to win tickets to the event:!/SD6ComicCon/status/90881744772939776

And to read the information from the San Diego 6 web site on the contest:

Email you submissions by Monday July 19th , we will choose two winners and have them come on Thursday’s morning show to compete. The screening is the same day Thursday July 21st at 10am at a Secret Location with Special Guests.

@SD6ComicCon updated their contest rules today to state that it was open to all fans of Captain America:!/SD6ComicCon/status/91291427077763072

So if you want to win tickets to the red carpet event, send your pics to [email protected] now! And to read the official contest guidelines, check out San Diego 6’s Comic-Con page for details.

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