Under The Tents: SDCC News for April 30, 2013

We’ve started a new, quasi-regular column on the Blog titled “Under The Tents”. The title is symbolic, as it’s representative of the times we all line up under the tents waiting for those big moments to happen inside Hall H or Ballroom 20.

Here’s the stuff you might have missed for today:

  • Factory Entertainment has announced their second SDCC exclusive for this year, the Game of Thrones Throw Pillow. [via Figures.com]

Factory Entertainment Game of Thrones 2013 SDCC Exclusive Throw Pillow


  • TFormers.com has pics of the Rumored SDCC Metroplex Exclusive Generations Transformers Action Figure. Per the article:

Word is the exclusive will be a replica of the G1 version with chrome thighs and extra large big red guns.

Transformers SDCC Metroplex Exclusive Generations Action Figure, via TFormers.com

  • CCI’s Toucan Blog has an interview with Strangers In Paradise‘s Terry Moore.
  • If you’re frustrated by the increasing difficulty with getting a hold of a Comic-Con pass, and are one of those asking why CCI doesn’t go with a bigger ticket vendor that can handle the volume of buyers, be careful of what you wish for. This video from NBC 7 San Diego shows that by going with a vendor like Ticketmaster, we would be in for a whole new set of headaches that we didn’t ask for.

View more videos at: http://nbcsandiego.com.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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