Comic-Con Child Care Registration Now Open

shutterstock_101105401So here’s the deal – it’s San Diego Comic-Con weekend, and your babysitter canceled on you with the (cough *cosplay*) fever. What do you do? Easy. Take the kids with you. SDCC is a great place for Younglings, really.

But let’s say your kids are too young for the Jedi Academy. Say they’re the age where they could easily get put into a basket to escape the clutches of a wicked sorceress only to find their way into the hands of a loving, caring family of Nelwyns. Only to be hunted down by evil hounds who destroy the once-safe village. Hey, it could happen.

Okay, we got carried away. Forget the “hounds” part. But if you are thinking of taking your geek spawn with you, ages six months to 12 years old, Comic-Con International is once again offering its on-site child care, managed by KiddieCorp. The company has been providing child-care services at conventions for over 25 years, has a partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and provides high staff to children ratios to ensure kids get the proper attention.

The service provides snacks and beverages, and offers a variety of activities for children to make their stay fun and comfortable, ranging from blocks and LEGOs to making crafts, from relay races and “red light, green light” to just relaxing with a good book (and at Comic-Con, you have plenty to choose from).

Prices for the service are $9/hr for kids six months to two years, and $7/hr for kids three and up. After June 23, the prices go up to $11/hr and $9/hr, respectively. For exhibitors, the program is free during designated set-up and tear-down dates/times. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so like everything at Comic-Con, the early bird gets the worm child-care.

The registration form is now online at the KiddieCorp website.


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