Five More Guests Added to WonderCon

wondercon bannerWe’re 58 days away from WonderCon Anaheim 2015, and the convention is starting to shape up. Now that attendees have their badges and hotels, the convention schedule is slowly being released.

In addition to everything we’ve uncovered like cool artists and artwork, the world premiere of Batman vs. Robin, and all of Comic-Con International’s previously announced special guests, CCI today revealed five more guests who will be attending WonderCon as special guests.

From the Toucan Blog, today’s additions include:

  • Kevin J. Anderson, author, Saga of Seven Suns series, Dan Shamble, Zombie PI
  • Rebecca Moesta, author, Crystal Doors trilogy, Star Challengers trilogy
  • Lisa Morton, author, Zombie Apocalypse!: Washington Deceased
  • James Robinson, writer, Fantastic Four, Heaven, Airboy
  • Greg Weisman, writer/producer, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels

Are you excited about WonderCon? Let us know in the comments.

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