Five Guests Added to WonderCon Anaheim 2015

wondercon anaheim signNow that badges and hotels for WonderCon have gone on sale, it’s time to turn our attention to what’s going to be at the convention.

In addition to everything we’ve uncovered, as well as Comic-Con International’s previously announced special guests, and the world premiere of Batman vs. Robin, CCI today revealed five more guests who will be attending WonderCon as special guests.

From the Toucan Blog, today’s additions include:

  • Cullen Bunn, Writer, The Sixth Gun, Hellbreak, Harrow County, Magneto, Sinestro
  • Sam Humphries, Writer, The Black Vortex, The Legendary Star-Lord
  • Dan Jurgens, Writer, New 52: Futures End, Convergence: Superman, Convergence: Booster Gold
  • Ken Lashley, Artist, Secret Six, Superman: Doomed
  • Fred Van Lente, Writer, Archer & Armstrong, Action Philosophers!

You can read the full update, including the bios of the latest special guests, on Comic-Con International’s website.

Have you purchased a badge yet? Will you be attending WonderCon? Let us know in the comments.

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