Under the Tents: Zombie Walk, Funko, Chris Hardwick, Amy Mebberson, Francesco Francavilla

We’re just over four months to San Diego Comic-Con, and it’s starting to feel like the real beginning of con news season. In the past week, we’ve learned that The Walking Dead Escape won’t be back at the convention – but that the Her Universe/Hot Topic Fashion Show will be. The Assassin’s Creed movie wants to send you to San Diego Comic-Con – but Comic-Con International won’t be holding a Badge Resale. It looks like Vikings is heading back, with another con exclusive comic. So, yeah. It’s been busy.

But, there’s still more news to be had. We’ve got updates on the Zombie Walk, news that Chris Hardwick MIGHT not have to clone himself at this year’s con, updates on what Funko will and won’t be bringing to SDCC 2016, and much more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Viesca Digital Designs, a design studio who makes table top gaming figurines, revealed on Twitter that they’ll be exhibiting at SDCC 2016.

  • Jonathan Case, creator of the graphic novel Dear Creature and an artist for Dark Horse, revealed on his website that he’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con.
  • Although Funko is hosting a retrospective look back on the history of their company at Emerald City Comicon, called “Funko: From Springs to Vinyl Things”, they won’t be doing something similar at SDCC. However, they do promise “a ton of exciting things”, so stay tuned.

  • There are very few details at this point, but a Fannibal Meet-Up is in the process of being organized. Head over to Facebook to meet with all your Hannibal comrades.

hannibal nbc tin fish OCC

  • Those hoping to get their hands on March Vol 3, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, probably only need to wait for Comic-Con, according to Powell.

  • LA-based illustrator Tuesday Bassen announced via Twitter that she’ll be exhibiting at San Diego Comic-Con 2016, and sharing a table with cartoonist Gemma Correll.

  • Cesare Asaro of Curio and Company showed off another of their adorable AZR-0 robots, which will be featured in a book available at the con.

  • Chris Hardwick, the founder of Nerdist and the man who has slowly taken over every corner of San Diego Comic-Con by hosting essentially every offsite and panel, revealed on Twitter that while he’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con, he “might” not do as many panels as last year. Which is good, because if he does any more, he really will need to clone himself. This is also a pretty good sign that Nerdist itself will be back, and probably bringing their popular live podcast show with them.

  • Disney artist Amy Mebberson, the creator of Pocket Princesses, announced on Twitter that she’ll have copies of her comic Princesses #1 at Emerald City Comicon, with “whatever is left” heading for SDCC.

  • Comics and books publisher Fuzzy Press announced that it’s busy working its first bound graphic novel, which will be available at both WonderCon and Comic-Con.

  • The Zombie Walk is back, con goers. In some form, at least. The Facebook page for the fan-favorite offsite event (which wasn’t held last year) posted that in honor of the tenth anniversary of the Zombie Walk: San Diego, they will be back this year. To quote the post, though, “Will we have a gathering of some sort? Definitely. Will we have a walk? Stay tuned to find out.” So it sounds like it may not be exactly the same – but this is still good news for many.

zombie walk walking dead convention center gaslamp

  • Francesco Francavilla, the award-winning artist and New York Times best-selling author, isn’t currently planning on being at SDCC. He will, however, be at WonderCon – so if you haven’t already purchased your badge, do it soon.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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