On-Site Child Care Registration for SDCC 2017 Now Open

Congratulations! You managed to secure a badge to San Diego Comic-Con 2017. SDCC can be a fun and magical experience for the entire family. But CCI knows that not every kid is a cosplayer, and the Seth MacFarlane panels in Ballroom 20 are never appropriate for young ears and eyes.

Comic-Con International will once again have on-site child care, managed by KiddieCorp. For 31 years, KiddieCorp has offered a variety of activities to keep kids entertained during SDCC. Activities include:

  • Adrenaline Rush – Offers games like Duck-Duck-Goose and Simon Says to allow young ones to release all that energy.
  • Relaxation Zone – Less rambunctious children can relax and read a book or play relaxing games.
  • Artistic Alley – Allows the children to get creative and make fun projects, such as paper hats and beaded jewelry. They’ll also make their very own hand puppet to take home.
  • Construction Zone – Is your son or daughter a builder? They’ll have blocks, Legos and Play-Doh for them to create whatever their minds come up with.
  • Infants/Toddlers – KiddieCorp has not forgotten the youngest ones. They’ll have building blocks, sing-alongs, and even scheduled nap times for them.

KiddieCorp will also provide snacks and water throughout the day. Parents need to supply meals for their children. Also, KiddieCorp will not administer any medications (including sunscreen). This must be done by the parent(s).

Prices for the service are $10/hr for kids six months to two years, and $8/hr for kids three to twelve. After June 20, the prices go up to $12/hr and $10/hr, respectively. For exhibitors, the program is free during designated set-up and tear-down dates/times with proof of badge. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so like everything at Comic-Con, the early bird gets the worm child-care. KiddieCorp will do their best to accommodate on-site registration, but space is limited, and they do not recommend it.

Interested parents can register for child-care online or fill out the PDF form and submit to KiddieCorp.

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