Under the Tents: Scorpion, Funko, SherlockeDCC, Toddland, Symbiote Studios

It’s been a busy week in the wonderful world of San Diego Comic-Con news, with a second round of hotel confirmations going out on Monday, and everyone trying to make heads or tails of the results. But there’s been a lot of other things happening (and, as it turns out, not happening) – and we’ve got all your updates right here.

Here’s a look at what you might have missed:

  • There’s bad news for Scorpion fans, as on a recent Facebook Live video, series star Katherine McPhee was asked if the cast would be in San Diego this year. Her response (which you can watch in the video below, around the 19:05 minute mark)? “Will the Scorpion cast be at Comic-Con? I have been told no this year. That’s a big no.” However, while Scorpion may be down for the count, we still expect CBS to bring their A-game to the con – after all, they have Star Trek: Discoverywhich has already been hinted to be in appearance, .

  • In other bad news, the popular offsite SherlockeDCC won’t be returning this year. The Baker Street Babes shared the news on their site, thanking fans for all the love and memories over the years. We’ll miss you, even if we were never totally sure how to pronounce your name.

  • But that’s enough about things that aren’t happening, right? In good news, Funko promised news is “coming soon” about Funko Fundays general ticket sale.

  • Our friends at Symbiote Studios also mentioned that they will have an exclusive version of their popular Etalus plush that will be available at the con.


  • Necromancer author Lish McBride will also be at San Diego Comic-Con, where she will be doing a panel and a signing. Stay tuned for more details.
  • All-Star Batman series writer Scott Synder recently told Newsarama that you’ll be hearing more updates about the store at San Diego Comic-Con.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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