Under the Tents: Billy Tucci, Camilla d’Errico, Alex Pardee, Paul Shipper, Commissions

Hopefully everyone’s blood pressure has returned to normal after Wednesday’s news about Warner Bros skipping Hall H. Are you ready for some fun news? There are still tons of reasons why SDCC 2019 is going to smash it and be amazing and we’ve got a bunch of news tidbits to prove it. Commissions! Exclusive art! Plush! And so much more.

Let’s take a look at the news you might have missed (through your Warner Bros. tears):

  • Artist Steve Bryant is taking commissions and his prices for 9″x12″ single character pieces are only $50. If your heart can dream it, Steve can most likely draw it.

  • Paul Shipper has released more information about the panel he’s putting together, titled Masters of the Illustrated Film Poster, which will be presented in conjunction with the International Animated Film Society.

  • Another panel to put on your schedule is Science Fact: How Science Fiction Has and Will Shape Our Future by Jenny Rankin, PhD.

  • Artist Keith Hall  has started some work on a selection of sketch cards that he’ll be offering at Comic-Con. Leave him a comment telling him which character you’d like to see on a card.


  • Looks like there will be a Lady Death / Shi face off at SDCC this year. Billy Tucci shared some sketches of some crossover covers that will be available at the show.

  • Bibliophiles make note: the Great SherlockeDCC Scavenger Hunt has a prize you will want to win, a 1892 1st Edition of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. You can check out all their prize tiers on their website.

  • Terry Moore continues to sketch in the hardcovers he’ll be selling at San Diego Comic-Con. These Rachel Rising hardcovers are in silver on black paper.

  • Back in the world of commissions, artist Jeannette Brown is offering ridiculously affordable Copic marker pieces. Contact her on Twitter or via e-mail to secure your spot.

  • Hanging Chad Entertainment has really gone whole hog this year….or, actually whole MOOSE, for their title, Adventures of Mighty Moose. Check out these handmade plush of the title character that will be available at their small press table, L-09.

  • Is it a movie / transportation mash up? Social commentary about street scooters? We’ll let you decide what Alex Pardee’s new pin is about, but don’t forget to pick on up at Comic-Con.

  • Paradox Bound author Peter Clines could not resist teasing his Twitter followers about some good news that he hopes to share at SDCC. Squeal away, Peter.

  • And lastly, artist Camilla d’Errico showed a work in progress for San Diego Comic-Con, featuring a delightful rendition of Stan Lee surrounded by bumbling heroes. Absolutely precious.

Anything we missed? Anyone you’re really excited about seeing this year? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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