Attendee of the Week: Cash Branson

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the Week:

Cash Branson


Where are you traveling from for San Diego Comic-Con?

Pittsburgh, PA 

How many years have you been attending?

Since 2013

What was your favorite panel and why?

I love attending any cosplay panel to learn what’s new in crafting and to get ideas. 

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

I’m a Marvel junkie, so you can always find me around there in cosplay (usually as a Marvel character).

What is your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

The coolest piece of swag I’ve ever gotten was a copy of Defenders #1 (2017) signed by the leads of The Defenders Netflix show! Netflix had an activation and invited Defenders cosplayers to show up.  So I dressed as Daredevil, imagine my surprise when Charlie Cox, Mike Coulter, Kristen Ritter, and Finn Jones walked out and gave us all copies of the latest Defenders book signed by them! And where do you think I heard about the cosplay Invite?  Here on the SDCC Unofficial Blog! 

What was your favorite autograph session and why?

I’m a comic nerd first and foremost. At SDCC I was able to meet one of my favorite authors, Tom King, at the DC Booth.  He signed my Mister Miracle (and my copy of Vision #1 despite that it was a Marvel book)!  

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter at the convention.

At this point there have been so many! SDCC is crazy for randomly bumping into celebs. My favorite one was probably at the premiere of The Boys in 2019. Mind you, this was the first any of the public had seen of The Boys and well before it became the hit it is.  I had read the comics and knew who the production staff was so I had high enough hopes for the show that I made myself a Homelander cosplay.  As the showrunner, Eric Kripke was introducing the cast and he called me out from the audience and I got the chance to hug Anthony Starr, Homelander himself!

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What was your favorite offsite and why?

I love the offsites!  It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I absolutely love how the Gaslamp District transforms during Comic-Con. One of my favorites was last year’s Hellfire Gala held by D23. It was effectively the Met Gala held by the X-Men in a who’s who of the Marvel Universe. I attended dressed as Doctor Doom with a retinue of Doom Bots. 

Where is your favorite place to eat during the con?

That’s a tough call.  I did really enjoy the Mooby’s pop-up from 2023.  It was really entertaining to get View Askewinverse snacks!  

What is your favorite thing about San Diego Comic-Con?

The other fans!  It’s so much fun to see so many folks so passionate about their fandoms.  I’ve gotten to know so many folks from all over. 

What is your best tip having a good con?

Follow the SDCC Unofficial Blog! No, seriously. They are invaluable in knowing what is going on and where and how to get tickets for it! Beyond that plan it, but be open to change. Prioritize the things you HAVE to do vs. what you really want to do. You won’t be able to do everything and that’s ok!  If there’s something you HAVE to do, get in line for it at least 2 hours early.   

Do you tend to do the convention solo or with friends?

I always attend with friends of mine and my wife.  I’ve managed to rope them into my crazy cosplay shenanigans over the years and that wound up with us in the San Diego Union-Tribune!

How would you describe SDCC to someone who has never been before?

Nerd Mecca.  Everyone should go once just to see how crazy it is.  


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