Disney SciFi Props at the Con!

(Via Wired)

Disney’s official fan community D23 drops into Comic-Con International’s pop-cultural maelstrom for the first time this year, opening a booth filled with props and costumes from the studio’s mixed sci-fi history.

That’s good news for the Tron nuts making the annual geek pilgrimage to San Diego later this month, who will get a chance to scope the original Tron costume, whose design, viewable below, was created by legendary comics artist Moebius, otherwise known as Jean Giraud.

Combined with Comic-Con’s screening of the first official trailer from Tron’s forthcoming sequel, Tron 2.0, it should make for quite a head-trip back to the future.


D23, which launched earlier this year, has other memorabilia to share from its less amazing sci-fi releasesThe RocketeerThe Black HoleCondorman and Sky High in what it’s calling the Heroic and Robotic exhibition. And the fan club’s even handing out free, robot-centric lithographs from Disney artist Dave Pacheco to keep its booth humming.

But all eyes are on Tron 2.0, which could be Comic-Con’s crowd favorite after all is said and done. For its time, the original Tron was a blinding triumph. But computers have evolved so much since then, the mind reels at the coolness of what could come of a reboot, provided no one screws it up.


Costumes from movies such as the rocketeer will also be shown. Overall it seems like an exciting time to be a Disney sci-fi buff.


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