Video Guide to Swag (Freebies) at San Diego Comic-Con

Each year San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) attendees salivate over the newest WB bags at registration. Part of the excitement is the cool designs. Another part is getting this first piece of free swag in hand. And an even greater part of the joy is the idea of filling the bag up with all the free goodies that are to come. SDCC and swag are symbiotic in a way that few other shows in the world are. There’s a very good reason that the WB bag looks like a sack Santa would carry his yearly drop of toys in.

Veteran and newbies alike can easily fill a bag of SDCC goodies a day, but there are some considerations to be made on what you fill that bag with. We hope that this video guide will give you a better idea on some tips and tricks to snag the swag you want at this year’s SDCC.

What are your plans for swag at SDCC? Any tricks you are willing to share with our readers? Leave us a comment below to let us know.

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