DKE Toys San Diego Comic-Con 2019 Exclusives [UPDATE July 10]

One of the most consistently creative and interesting booths at San Diego Comic-Con is that of DKE Toys, booth #2643. 2019 looks to be more of what we’ve come to expect from DKE; weird, wacky and wonderful designer toys.

Let’s take a look at what DKE will have at Comic-Con this year:

[UPDATE July 10]

Lazertronic Sticker Pac by Suckadelic – $10
Set of 12 2.5″ x 3.5″ Prism Stickers. It’s 12 stickers in a pack. It says that they zap on the packaging. But that’s a lie. They just stick. For less than a buck each you can’t really complain. If it’s from Suckadelic you know it’s quality.

[UPDATE July 9]

Darth Bones by Mike Egan – $75
Hand cast and painted 8″ boxed resin figure
Signed and numbered edition of 20
DKE originally made Bones and Lucky sofubi by Mike Egan in Japan but we decided to go back to the drawing board and start again in resin. We were going to release the first regular version and then I thought what are we doing. This is comic con!!! So Darth Bones was born!!!

Game of Wars: Lord of Winter Star by Topztoy -$45
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 30
Topztoy in Thailand is back with a pretty great mashup of our favorite villain from the starry sky and our favorite hero from the snowy north.

Straight Out of Tatooine by Oh Anat / Kidding Toy – $55
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ scale carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 50
Thailand based artist Oh Anat from Kidding Toy has come up with a gangsta rap mashup of our favorite bounty hunter.

[UPDATE July 8]

Symbiotetrooper by The Katerpillar – $55
Signed and numbered edition of 25

Wood T-1000 by by Danny Wicked – $65
Hand cast and painted 6″ carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 30

Chewbactus by Flat Bonnie – $100
Hand made 11″ vinyl pleather plush
Signed and numbered edition of 20
Flat Bonnie helps raise awareness of abandoned animals, and the importance of adopting when you are ready for a new friend. A generous portion of sales is donated to bunny/animal rescue organizations monthly.

[UPDATE July 7]

Regurgitated Ideas by Killer Bootlegs -$25
Hand cast 6″ figure on card back
Signed and numbered edition of 100
This is a new edition for 2019 with new card art and new more barf-like material.

Space Wars & Dragons by For The Love Of Old Toys -$45
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 25
UK based artist John Norwood who sometimes goes by For The Love of Old Toys mashed up our favorite furry friend with some old sword and sorcery nonsense.

OU-812 by Buzzard Guts – $55
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 30
The second figure in the Star World line based on the infamous bootleg vinyl case. We have been looking forward to this figure and hope he will create the entire line.

[UPDATE July 6]

False Idol: The Dark Lord by ADi – $75
ADi is an Australian born artist who caught our attention with his series called False Idols. These were generally one of a kind wooden statues that reduced a characters’ traits to simple colors and geometric shapes. We sent him a package of blister samples and asked if he could do one of his designs smaller and in larger quantity for SDCC.

Hand made wooden 3.75″ figure on card
Signed and numbered edition of 30

Chanloh Sa Mou Rai by Attack Peter – $80
Hand cast 3.75″ scale figure on linoleum block printed card
Signed and numbered edition of 40

[UPDATE July 5]

Captain Müstaardschnag by Acquired Taste Industries – $85
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ scale carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 25
Count Tastus of Acquired Taste Industries delivers his long awaited fifth figure, a mash up of our favorite cantina alien and a boldly trekking captain. As with previous releases his quality is superb. It features card art by Matt Talbot.

User of the Force by Punk and Pop Toys – $55
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 30

Argentina based artist SofiLí better know as Punk and Pop Toys came up with this fantastic mashup of two our favorite 80s Sci Fi movies.

[UPDATE July 3]

El Bar2D2 by Carlos Ramirez – $100
Hand painted and cast resin parts on a rusty vintage beer can.
Approximately 8″ tall.
Signed and numbered edition of 50.
We found this amazing collection of rusty old metal beer cans. Carlos sculpted the parts which were cast in resin and then he hand painted and customized each one. No two cans are alike and each is a different vintage brand

It’s Cardboard by Barminski – $100
Hand painted and constructed cardboard package
Signed and Numbered Edition of 25
Bill Barminski is a well known fine artist whose work has been featured in Beyond the Streets LA and NYC exhibitions. His primary focus is working with cardboard. This is another example of making fun of the medium. Each piece is completely hand made and totally compostable!!

[UPDATE July 2]

Luker by Mark Todd – $55
This is the 4th installment In Mark Todd’s STR WAS series and the first human Mark has created for the series. Card backs were printed on a reisograph to give that underground zine feel and Mark as always delivers on these hand painted beauties. The hand cast resin was based on Mark’s own sculpt. 3.75″ scale carded figure. Signed and numbered edition of 30.

Keanu by Mark Todd and Janky Toys – $65
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figures . Signed and numbered edition. 20 available of each style

[UPDATE July 1]

The Great Showdowns by Scott C – E.T. & Speak n’ Spell – $100
The Great Showdowns are a series of paintings, art shows, and books depicting classic pop culture good guys and bad guys. This figure was sculpted by George Gaspar of Double G toys who helped bring Scott C’s characters to life.
Two hand cast and hand painted resin figures
Card signed and numbered by Scott C’s
Limited to 50 pieces

Mary, Mother of God by Dogman Toys – $65
Hand cast and painted 5″ scale carded figure
Signed and numbered edition of 25
Spencer is best known as the singing bass player of the world renowned hardcore punk band, Trash Talk. Much of his work is inspired and influenced by his punk rock roots.

[UPDATE June 30]

KRBtronic by Manly Art – $135
Hand illustrated card back with 3.75″ scale figure. Signed edition. 24 pieces available. Artist Jason Chalker took 24 of the 90s Power of the Force Kenner Star Wars figures and created an original illustration for each one in a very distinct day glow Jack Kirby style. These figures were known for being very “bulky” so the Jack Kirby style fits.

[UPDATE June 29]

Boba Wood by Edwin Salas – $100
Hand carved and painted 3.75″ figure on hand painted card back
Signed and numbered edition of 40. Killer Bootlegs turned us on to Edwin. Dov commissioned a set of wood Cantina Band Members from him and they were amazing so we asked him if he could work smaller and viola. He hand carved and painted each figure as well as hand painted and stenciled the card back. Usually you get one or the other for $100. Here you get both.

Bounty Hunter by Dustin Benzing – $65
Hand carved 8″ wood cut sculpture
Signed and numbered edition of 25

[UPDATE June 28]

Art Trooper Series: Pablo by RYCA – $55
Hand cast 3.75″ scale carded figure. Signed and numbered edition of 50.
Next up in RYCA’s successful line of Art Troopers. It’s Pablo, the cubist trooper.

Start Wars by RYCA – $45
Hand cast and painted 4″ carded figure
Signed and Numbered Edition of 50
One of his first figures from back in 2008 was his Start Wars figure of a crucified trooper. He is bringing it back in a more affordable smaller scale.

[June 27]

The Amazed Spandex-Man by Anthony Lister – $120
Hand cast and painted 3.75″ carded figure
Signed and Numbered Edition of 25
This is a follow up to DKE’s sold out edition 2 years ago. Anthony’s original sculpt of The Amazed Spandex-Man was cast in resin and then he hand painted each piece himself!!! Comes packaged on a signed and numbered card back with an even more amazing painting. This one is an instant classic.

Blob of the Blob by Brendan Monroe – $100
Hand cast and hand painted 3.75″ scale carded figure. Signed and numbered edition of 50.

What do you get when you ask Brendan Monroe to make an “action figure” for SDCC??? Brendan designed and hand sculpted “Blob of the Blob” in clay. They were then cast in a beautiful clear orange resin and he hand painted each piece as well!!! Comes packaged on a beautifully designed signed and numbered card back.

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