100% Soft Goes Hard on Marvel Emoji Designer Toys, Dumpster Fire [UPDATE July 19]

[UPDATE July 19 #2]

And finally, Truck Torrance (100% Soft) will have several Marvel pins available for just $10 a day. There will be a new pin each day, so stop by Booth #1335 to score:

Wednesday (Preview Night): Mac & Cheese Yelena Belova from Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye

Thursday: Agatha Harkness from Marvel Studios’ WandaVision

Friday: Dead Strange from Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Saturday: Old Man Steve from Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame

Sunday: Hawaiian Shirt Kingpin from Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye

[UPDATE July 19]

Truck Torrence (100% Soft) will be signing items at his booth, #1335, on Saturday, July 23 from 1:30pm – 3pm.  Fans can bring Megamojis, Dumpsters, prints or any other 100% Soft items for Truck to sign. Additionally, they will have a very limited amount of the sold out Marvel Infinity Saga emoji print for sale. 

[UPDATE July 18]
100% Soft isn’t going to let us get out of San Diego Comic-Con without a little bit of a dumpster fire. His iconic happy dumpster is looking a bit toxic in this exclusive SDCC rendition, the Toxic Waste Dumpster Fire.  Featuring the look of a toxic waste barrel bubbling over with radioactive sludge and glow-in-the-dark flame, this dumpster will be available at booth #1335 for $32. 
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If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the last handful of years, you’ve no doubt seen Truck Torrence’s (100% Soft’s) Marvel emojis, those clever little characters popping up after popular Marvel hashtags. Dozens and dozens of them can be found at your fingertips, and soon, in the palm of your hand. 
Based on the Marvel Studios emojis, MEGAMOJIS will make their grand entrance at the 100% Soft Booth, #1335, at San Diego Comic-Con. These 3″ vinyl designer toys for sell for $16 each.
Kicking off the kick-butt series are Marvel Studios’ Captain America, Black Panther, Moon Knight, Scarlet Witch and a very special San Diego Comic-Con exclusive to be revealed soon.
Let’s take a closer look at your brand new obsession:
[UPDATE July 15]
io9 has the first look at the San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Megamoji, featuring Loki from the 10th anniversary of The Avengers. While Loki will be exclusive to the con, all the other characters will be on 100% Soft’s website shortly after the convention.
Additionally, io9 revealed that while 100% Soft’s The Infinity Saga poster has been sold out or awhile, there will be a few remaining copies at his booth on Saturday.
Will you be picking up any of 100% Soft’s new MEGAMOJIS?
Aw, who are we kidding, you’ll be getting them all and we don’t blame you one bit.
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