WonderPost 2023: Josh Cassara, Val Hochberg, Trinity Comics

There’s a well known weather proverb about March coming in like a lion, and in the case of the UBlog, it’s true, if by “lion” you mean a huge storm of WonderCon announcements. After a tornado whirlwind of reveals from Funko (you did see all those didn’t you?) we have a hefty, plus sized WonderPost, chock full of so much news including original art galore, prints and more.

Let’s take a look at the news you might have missed:

  • How do you find WonderCon variant comic exclusives? This is the way. Trinity Comics will have a variant cover for The Mandalorian #8 by E.M. Gist. If you don’t want to wait until WonderCon, presale starts Thursday, March 2nd.

  • Olivia of Ollybits has announced that they will be at WonderCon at the end of the month, and you’ll be able to pick up these exquisite teensy-weensy pixel heart enamel pins at their booth. Make room on your itabag!
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  • Northern Californian Mary, also known as Mazzy, is embarking on a West coast tour that includes a stop in Anaheim for WonderCon. If sweet chibi-style art is your thing then you and Mazzy are going to hit it off.
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  • If the grim and the ghostly are more your thing, head over to the Data Red Comics booth where this Grim Reaper cosplay will be on display.

  • Marvel Comics artist Josh Cassara has made a print of his brilliant X-Force artwork. This print will only be available at shows (for the time being) so make sure you snag one at WonderCon. Josh will be in Artist Alley, exact location to be announced soon.

  • What good is buying stuff if you have no way to carry it all? Luckily the team at Monkey Minion have solved that problem with this perfect convention tote. You’ll get one free with a $50 purchase at their booth, or you can purchase it for $5.

  • Actor and producer Danielle Beckmann will be hosting a panel titled Women In Entertainment: Blazing Your Own Path. More details are forthcoming.

  • Illustrator Val Hochberg is getting some hands-on…er…I mean PAWS-on help to create brand new prints for WonderCon, including what looks to be a very sweet Robin Rood and Maid Marian.

  • Another creator prepping for some print sales at WonderCon is Michele Fried, of Hand Crafted Geekdom.
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  • Independent comic book publisher Ounce Comics, whose books include The Wombat and Lady Luck, has announced that they will be in the exhibit hall for WonderCon. Exact booth location should be announced soon.
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  • New (and sometimes even seasoned) readers of manga need a reminder of how the flow of dialogue goes. Theory of Everything Comics knows this and put in a helpful reminder in their book Top Zero Ninja, which they will be selling at WonderCon.
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  • Author of Naming Your Little Geek, Scott Rubin, won’t be helming a panel of the same subject at WonderCon but you will be able to catch him and purchase a copy of the book in Small Press. 

  • It would not be WonderCon if things didn’t get a little SHINY! The California Browncoats, a Firefly & Serenity fandom non-profit organization, will be in attendance at booth #889.

  • Patrick Ballesteros just can’t stop with the mini-originals, and who would want him to? Here are four more, from very different corners of fandom.

  • And Patrick’s not the only one working on originals for WonderCon. Jeff Pina will have plenty of them at his Artist Alley booth, #C-59.

  • Bindman Art is providing a visual example of where you can find them and their theme park inspired art at WonderCon. Looks like Artist Alley #D-31 is the place to be.

  • After today’s MASSIVE Funko announcements you may be thinking, “Could there possibly be more?” The answer is assuredly YES, with the good folks at 7 Bucks a Pop posting on Twitter that they will have their own announcements next week. 

If you have yet to get tickets to WonderCon 2023, there is still time

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

And if you have missed any of our previous WonderPosts, you can find them here.

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