Your Complete Guide to Comic-Con 2012

For those ready to ascend into the craziness that is San Diego Comic-Con, we have you covered. Everything you need to prepare yourselves can be found in the bullet points below.

  • Don’t forget to bring your ID, and when waiting overnight for that Firefly panel, leave your tent at home!
  • Did you know our site design for this year is mobile-ready? Great for checking the blog from your smartphone during the con!
  • We’ll be tweeting line queues for all the big rooms, and liveblogging/tweeting during the most popular events. Follow @SD_Comic_Con on Twitter and use the following hashtags when tweeting us with line statuses (here’s a sample, but we’ll be sure to remind you which to use):
  • Whether it’s your first time or your tenth, hopefully you’ll find some helpful information in our newbie guides, updated for 2012:

Part I: Offsite Events and Scheduling
Part II: Merchandise

  • Planned your evenings outside of the convention center? If you have some time to fill, look no further than our 2012 Offsite Events list. Better yet, download the whole list via iCal, sync with Outlook or Google Calendar and take them with you on your smartphone.
  • While we’re talking about calendars, make sure you’ve signed up for MySched and chosen your panel favorites. You can take the panel schedule with you!
  • Nothing to do while standing in lines for panels? Download our SDConCast podcast episodes and listen while you wait! Or if you are thinking ahead, subscribe via RSS or iTunes and download all of our episodes ahead of time.
  • Find out how to snap the best pics at your panels with GeekShotPhoto’s invaluable photo tips.
  • Start your planning! Check out the PDFs of the panel programming and exhibit floor maps.
  • Not within walking distance of the Convention Center? The CCI shuttle schedule has been posted.
  • Have you made your shopping list of exclusive SDCC merchandise? Check out CCI’s annual Exclusives Guide now!
  • Check the weather. Pack and dress accordingly.
  • Most importantly, enjoy! We hope to meet you there!
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