More Amazing Spider-Man 2 News for SDCC

Hello, True Believers. We’ve got fresh information straight from the Daily Bugle regarding an Amazing Spider-Man 2 panel at San Diego Comic-Con this July.

As we stated in our SDCC Movie roundup a couple of weeks back, we said an Amazing Spider-Man 2 panel at Comic-Con was a virtual lock for this year. First we had the response from writer/producer Roberto Orci way back in early March which hinted at a strong possibility for an ASM2 panel. We also looked at how far along production was for the sequel, and it followed a similar schedule back in 2011 – not coincidentally the year the first ASM was in Hall H.

This past week we’ve seen a couple more reports strengthening our “buy” rating on an ASM2 panel. The first being from a Yahoo! Movies interview with Electro himself, Jamie Foxx, where he teases fans will be getting the first glimpse of the new villain in action at SDCC:

Next up will be taking Electro to the public this summer.

“Now I’m just waiting to get to Comic-Con and see how people respond to it,” Foxx said, referring to the big event in San Diego from July 17-21. “[Director] Marc Webb is a genius and Amy Pascal and everybody at Sony have just be so gracious to allow me to have this opportunity. So it’s cool.”

The second bit of information is by way of Marvel scooper Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez who puts a date to the ASM2 panel:

For all you webheads, Spidey is coming to San Diego Comic Con! The Amazing Spider-Man 2will be part of the Sony Pictures Hall H panel which takes place this year on Friday July 19th, 2013. I’m pretty sure director Marc Webb and star Andrew Garfield are going to be there and show you some cool footage of the sequel that is currently in production here in New York City. So all you Comic Con Hall H line diehards can start lining up now

Looking back at 2011, the first ASM’s Hall H panel was also on a Friday. What we’ve heard so far, there will be many similarities to this year’s panel schedule compared to years past. And we’re not just talking Friday…


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