The Movies of SDCC 2013

The WB Booth at SDCC 2012Every year we take a look at the movies that might be making an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con. With the summer movie season kicking off in MARVEL-ous fashion this past weekend, we thought there’s no better time than now to run through our list.

Note that the information in this list is accurate at the time of publication. We’ll publish any news of confirmations (or exclusions) from this year’s SDCC as they are announced.

1. Kick-Ass 2 and R.I.P.D.

We’ve heard rumblings that Kick-Ass 2 was a lock for SDCC this year. That would add some heat to the rumor that Jim Carrey, who would be a guest at the panel, would also be unveiled for his rumored casting as Rocket Raccoon for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. What we don’t know is if Universal would also be bringing R.I.P.D. to the con, which will be getting its U.S. theatrical release the same weekend of Comic-Con. As Universal has proven in the past, it loves to screen its SDCC-friendly releases for attendees (see Cowboys & AliensScott Pilgrim vs. the World), so at the very least we expect a special Thursday night screening of Dark Horse’s big screen adaptation starring Jeff Bridges/Ryan Reynolds.

2. Ender’s Game

An easy pick for a Hall H appearance, Writer/Producer Roberto Orci already confirmed he would be at SDCC in support of the big screen adaptation of the classic sci-fi novel, due in theaters December 2013. And without any new Twilight films to promote, Summit Entertainment, which is distributing Ender’s Game in the U.S., might even use its mainstay Thursday AM slot in Hall H to kick-off Comic-Con with this, its biggest release of the year. The real question is, will Harrison Ford be back at SDCC as a panel guest?

3. Red 2

DC and Summit’s Red was a surprise hit in 2010, so the franchise created by Warren Ellis gets a sequel with a few more big names added to its hit list. The problem here, like R.I.P.D., is that Red 2‘s U.S. release is slated during Comic-Con weekend. Again, Summit might use its Thursday AM slot for some last-minute promotion, considering all eyes are on SDCC.

4. The Wolverine and X-Men: Days of Future Past

Director Brian Singer has already thrown out the #SDCC hashtag in his tweets during pre-production, indicating he will be bringing the 2014 release to Comic-Con, which has now begin filming, to Hall H. And if he does, which seems likely, hopefully the stellar cast of old and new mutants will be in tow. But chances are high Twentieth Century Fox would bookend an X-Men movie panel with The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman’s standalone flick and sequel to 2009’s disappointing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which gets its U.S. theatrical release the week after Comic-Con.

5. Fantastic Four

Ever since Galactus’ big-screen debut was relegated to a cloud – really? – fans have been clamoring for Twentieth Century Fox’s announced 2015 reboot. And for good measure. It seems they are going for a more faithful adaptation of comic’s favorite superhero team, enlisting Mark Millar as Fox’s MCU consultant, hiring director Josh Trank (Chronicle) and writers Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz (X-Men: First Class, Thor). Not much else is known about the reboot aside from some recent casting rumors, which makes it a much more exciting proposition  to have a big casting announcement and how Fantastic Four might fit in the same cinematic universe as X-Men.

6. Elysium

It might not be released in theaters until this August, but Elysium already made an appearance at Comic-Con last year. We think Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley and the cast and crew of Neill Blomkamp’s (District 9) sophomore effort will be too busy making the traditional publicity rounds to stop in San Diego again, but Sony does love to promote its films there. Expect to see Elysium plastered outside of the Gaslamp and along the walls of the Hard Rock hotel, ala Total Recall.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Writer/Producer Roberto Orci let the cat out of the bag earlier this year that he’d be possibly attending in support of ASM2, but don’t let his “maybe” fool you – Spidey should be at Comic-Con this year, with or without him. This is Sony’s big tentpole film of 2014, and with no con of their own and the last chance to show to SDCC attendees before its release, it’s virtually guaranteed. Like in 2011, filming has been well underway in advance of the con, so there should be some great exclusive footage of Electro, Rhino and Norman Osborn screened for those lucky enough to score a seat in Hall H.

8. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Confirmed – Cassandra Clare, author of the popular young adult series from which this is adapted, has already said The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones will be at Comic-Con. Since this is a Sony Pictures release, the only question is will it have to share the limelight during the studio’s annual Hall H panel – which will undoubtedly be dominated by The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – or will it get its own?

9. The World’s End

The finale to Edgar Wright’s Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy – the first being Shaun of the Dead, the second being Hot Fuzz – and starring trilogy-regulars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, with Martin Freeman along for the ride? Of course it will be at Comic-Con this year! Expect to see a panel and perhaps a screening for the August 2013 release.

10. Riddick

Vin Diesel is finally back as Riddick in this third installment of the popular sci-fi franchise. Thanks to Diesel’s rejuvenated career, he and collaborator/writer/director David Twohy were able to get this off the ground for a 2013 release. Universal would be crazy to not bring this to Comic-Con, especially with a cast that seems to be assembled specifically for SDCC, including Karl Urban, Katee Sackhoff and Drax himself, Dave Bautista.

11. Machete Kills, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For and 300: Rise of An Empire

At least two of these three films will likely be at Comic-Con, and connecting them is geekier than the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. On one hand we have SDCC-favorite Robert Rodriguez who is directing the two sequels. On the other, we have Frank Miller, who is co-directing the Sin City sequel and who also penned the graphic novel from which the 300 sequel is based. So we’re thinking, if Rodriguez shows up we’ll get Sin City and Machete Kills; if Miller shows up we’ll get Sin City and 300; and if both show up, our inner-geeks will quite frankly explode.

12. Gravity

We can’t recall a Comic-Con where George Clooney has graced the halls of the San Diego Convention Center. This may be the first, with WB’s October release Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuarón (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) and also staring Sandra Bullock. WB may chose to include this sci-fi thriller in its studio panel this year.

13. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

After the first Hunger Games film skipped SDCC in 2011, Lionsgate seemed almost guilty it didn’t initially promote the film with a cast panel. It didn’t quite make good on that last year, but did have the cast make an appearance at its booth. This year, however, we think will be a different story. Catching Fire will most likely satisfy those fans who have been Hunger-ing (see what we did there?) for a big Hall H shindig this year, along with some exclusive footage, in advance of its November opening.

14. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Thor: The Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy

We’ve already heard about a rumored Marvel Studios panel in Hall H this year, even though it’s a D23 year – and we all know what happened with SDCC when Disney last held their convention in 2011. Saying that, the sentiment from fans expecting Marvel to show up with some big reveals has been heard loud and clear, and any attempt less than that by the House of Mouse would undoubtedly be met with serious backlash.

A Peggy Carter One-Shot has already been teased, and the Thor sequel will be near-complete, so Marvel should have enough to show from those two. And the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise might be a little tough for the typical Disney fan to swallow, so perhaps it will use the die-hard SDCC fanbase to build momentum with a few key casting announcements.

15. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Is there any doubt Peter Jackson would bring the second of the Hobbit trilogy to SDCC this year? After all, Jackson’s Weta was allegedly involved in the elaborate Hall H technology which was used during Warner Bros. Picture’s panel last year. The only question is, who will we see on stage? Will we the same star-studded panel this year? Or will they scale back and just let the footage speak for itself?

16. 47 Ronin

The Keanu Reeves samurai actioner seems to have all the right ingredients to whet a fanboy’s appetite; it’s just that’s its been in the slow-cooker for far too long. Originally scheduled for release in November 2012, and ballooning to a budget of $225 million, the film finally – for better or worse – gets released this December. And with so much on the line, Universal should definitely think about building buzz, starting with the Comic-Con crowd. Heck, it even has a Dark Horse tie-in comic! The studio already has a lot on their plate this year, so they may be forced to choose who makes the trip to San Diego and who gets cut. We’re on the fence with this one, but hopeful at the same time.

17. Robocop

What was merely a viral campaign last year, expect Sony to put its weight behind the Robocop remake and its all-star cast at SDCC. It would be the perfect opportunity to screen some footage and quiet the naysayers who say they’re changing too much from the classic sci-fi action franchise. A panel appearance from cast Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Jay Baruchel and Jackie Earl Haley also would do well to generate excitement from the Hall H crowd.

18. All You Need Is Kill

There are two things Tom Cruise seems to love lately: sci-fi and Japanese anime/manga. Warner Bros.’ sci-fi action blockbuster, starring Cruise, Emily Blunt and Bill Paxton, and directed by Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity) is both of those things, which makes a perfect pairing for the Comic-Con crowd. It also has Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci among its writing credits, which gives us pause for an appearance this year, as Orci didn’t mention All You Need Is Kill specifically earlier in the year. Still, the film is in post-production and this is the only SDCC before it’s March 2014 release date, but Warner Bros. will still need to make some difficult decisions on which films get squeezed into its mammoth studio panel and which ones get cut.

19. Godzilla

Those unlucky to have missed the Warner Bros. Pictures panel last year have been clamoring for the infamous Godzilla SDCC teaser to leak on the internet. Come to think of it, even those who had a seat in Hall H have been asking to see it again as well. No dice as of yet, but we might have something even better to look forward to. Godzilla started filming in Canada this spring, and the 2014 release should have enough footage prepared to screen a special trailer or extended scene at Comic-Con this year.

20. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Attendees were caught by surprised in 2011 when the prequel that no one asked for, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, received an overwhelmingly positive response from screened footage in Hall H. That movie ended up impressing the general public as well, and ended up being the surprise of the summer, both at the box office and with critics. We all have more reason to be excited for the sequel, which is being helmed by Cloverfield‘s Matt Reeves, and we think there will be no such surprises this year. The only question we have is, will the film, currently in production, will have enough footage completed in time?

21. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

When Comic-Con loves something, they put all their weight behind it (see: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World). When they don’t, the pendulum swings as hard the opposite way. Take, for instance, the big-screen reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A beloved comic classic, Hollywood thinks “reboot” means, “take everything we loved about the original and change it.” Drop words “Teenage Mutant” from the title. Make them aliens. Cast Megan Fox as April O’Neil. Make Michael Bay producer. We don’t actually think Paramount will bring this to Comic-Con this year, we just wanted to take the opportunity to bash it. Love the internet.

22. Justice League of America

Marvel Studios is on top of the world right now, and DC has…Green Lantern, and we all know that ring was a few batteries short of full strength. So while Marvel soars forward with The Avengers 2, DC is trying to ride on the Krypton-coattails of Man of Steel, in hopes of leaping toward a Justice League movie. With Zack Snyder reportedly being handed the reigns, we expect to see Warner Bros. blow the roof off of Hall H by raising the curtain on the future of the DC cinematic universe.

Which movies are you most interested in seeing at SDCC this year? Let us know in the comments.

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