Under the Tents: Funko, Nerd HQ, The Expanse, Teen Wolf, Xbox, Mayim Bialik

Open Registration is this weekend, which means that by the end of Saturday, odds are very high you’ll know if you’re going to San Diego Comic-Con or not (especially as CCI has confirmed no badge resale this year). But we already know a lot of things you can look forward to at this year’s convention, including news of our first Funko SDCC exclusives, our favorite offsite Nerd HQ, The Expanse, Xbox, and much more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • While they’ve been saying it for a few months, just a reminder that the best San Diego Comic-Con offsite around, Nerd HQ, will be returning in 2017 to the New Children’s Museum. No word yet on any other details, but wherever they are, it’s sure to be awesome.

  • We’ve got our first official word on two different Funko exclusives we’ll be seeing at San Diego Comic-Con this summer. While there’s no specifics on specific characters, we can tell you that Funko is “kind of freaking out” over an “awesome DC character” that will become a rare Dorbz, and that Entertainment Weekly is reporting that there will also be a SDCC-exclusive Mr. Robot Pop!. Now we’re kind of freaking out too.

  • While far from confirmed, Funko Pop Nerds has a sign that Barnes and Noble will be getting four shared SDCC  Funko Pop! exclusives this year, and the odds are high they’ll be available both in-store and online again (note: These have a different sticker than the actual SDCC ones).


  • Also in the realm of pure speculation, at a recent convention, Teen Wolf actress Holland Roden mentioned that while San Diego Comic-Con 2016 was supposed to be the series last visit to San Diego, with the final episodes airing so late this year, a 2017 panel isn’t out of the picture now.

Nooligan art
  • Dan Berry and his graphic novel, Verdacomb, wrapped up WonderCon weekend by revealing that they’ll be exhibiting at San Diego Comic-Con as well.


  • Writer and artist Elizabeth Watasin announced on Instagram that Kim Dwinell’s Surfside Girls: The Secret of Danger Point, will be heading to SDCC this summer.


  • Master crocheter Jennifer Nolan will be back on the exhibit floor in Artist Alley this year with more adorable creations – and she’ll also have an Art Show display.


  • Actress Mayim Bialik posted on Twitter about being excited about San Diego Comic-Con. An appearance on the annual The Big Bang Theory Writer’s Room panel, or just attending? Time will tell.

  • No surprise, but Xbox has confirmed they’ll be returning to San Diego Comic-Con in 2017. We’ll have more details as they’re available.
  • Russian comics publisher Bubble confirmed to Comics Alliance that they’ll be at Comic-Con, where they will be presenting “a lot of the exclusives, including [a] debbed version of [their] first movie, Major Grom“.
  • Creative agency Neuron Syndicate is working on some “amazing exclusive designs” for Fox Home Entertainment for SDCC – but are sworn to secrecy, so we’ll just have to wait for more.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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