Search Results for: wonderpost – Page 6

WonderPost 2022: JYK All Day, Toddland, X-Men Fandom, Comic Creator Connection
We are less than three weeks away from WonderCon Anaheim 2022, and the big (sister) show will be here before we know it. Badges are

WonderPost 2022: JYK All Day, CGC Comics, Sarah Leuver, Lumpia With A Vengeance
Film premieres, stickers, and autograph signings — oh my! As we inch closer to WonderCon Anaheim 2022, we have a full dose of news to

Wonderpost 2022: E.M. Gist, KRS Comics, Tom Hodges, S. Preston, Patrick Ballesteros
WonderCon is just around the corner (less than a month!), and booth confirmations went out, so there’s LOTS of news to share from exhibitors, creators,

WonderPost 2022: Sci-Fi World Museum, JYK All Day, Patrick Ballesteros, Jeff Pina, Symbiote Studios
We are less than a month away from the start of WonderCon Anaheim 2022, and we can’t wait. As we impatiently wait to see all of

WonderPost 2022: Contest, Patrick Ballesteros, Monkey Minion Press, JYK All Day, Jeff Pina
The day when we can say, “Yes, WonderCon badges are on sale!” grows nearer — but that day is not today. However, while you wait, we’ve

Wonderpost: Henry Liao, Dalien Ogden, Carly Heath, Patrick Ballesteros, Brianna Garcia
The wheels of WonderCon keep on turning and despite the lack of a badge sale (as of this writing), that does not mean there isn’t

WonderPost: Symbiote Studios, Joey Spiotto, Jeff Pina, Toddland, Valor & Vellum
Yesterday we posted some news on San Diego Comic-Con, which was mostly met with a chorus of, “But what about WonderCon?”. The good news is,

WonderCon Online WonderPost: Fat Rabbit Farm, Val Hochberg, California Browncoats, Mai Van, Nick Kremenek
With WonderCon postponed indefinitely, we’re putting our focus into WonderCon Online. We’ll be hosting a virtual tele-cast on Saturday, April 11 — and we’ve already